one Click, all Insights

With the ClicSight extension


On a prospect's website

And find out all the essential information about him in just one click, with access to his entire organization chart.

On a contact's linkedin profile

And discover her personality in just one click... and her colleagues too!

On any CRM file

Thanks to its AI GPS, our extension finds all the company or contact information you don't have in your CRM.


The prospect's past interactions with your company

Our AI reveals the detected visits of this company or contact on your website

Prospect's complete organization chart

Our AI reconstructs the prospect's compliant RGPD organization chart in real time with public Linkedin profiles.

Latest prospect news


What is the Company's profile?

Our AI analyzes the website in real time to explain in a few simple words what the company does.

What's your interviewer's personality?

Our AI analyzes the personality of the Linkedin profile you visit

How to start a conversation

Our AI advises you and gives you the keys to interacting well with it


Write effective Linkedin introductions

Our AI offers 3 targeted introductions

Send highly personalized emails

Our AI takes into account the personality of your interviewers

Trigger sequences

Couple ClicSight with GetQuanty and trigger complete custom sequences with a single click

Boost your ☄️ Performance

Can be used anywhere with Chrome / Edge extension
No integration required, just a browser!
Fast, intuitive interface
Your ideal prospecting companion
Compatible with your CRMs
Connect it to your website to receive alerts

and collect visitors who don't convert!
Your prospect's contact details are just a click away!
AI guides you and writes your emails and Linkedin messages!

Generate 10x more appointments ⛳

thanks to hypersonalized prospecting!

Why is ClicSight the best solution for you?

ClicSight is the most complete Sales & Marketing AI assistant on the market

Free no-obligation trial
AI analysis of contacts' Linkedin profile
AI-assisted message writing
AI summary of prospect activity
Discovering colleagues (organization chart)
One-click collection of visitors to your pages
History of interactions on the website
Revisit alerts
Free no-obligation trial
AI analysis of linkedin profile
Message writing by AI
Activity summary by AI
Discover the organization chart
Collecting visitors to your pages
Web interaction history
Revisit alerts
Free no-obligation trial
AI analysis of linkedin profile
Message writing by AI
Activity summary by AI
Discover the organization chart
Collecting visitors to your pages
Web interaction history
Revisit alerts
Free no-obligation trial
AI analysis of linkedin profile
Message writing by AI
Activity summary by AI
Discover the organization chart
Web interaction history
Revisit alerts

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Our story 🖖

ClicSight was created by the GetQuanty team to help sales teams perform better.

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